A rusting steel tower revolves. Courtly love succumbs to horse philosophy, a haunted suit and finding Enlightenment the hard way.
Three Storeys and a Dark Cellar
First presentedJan/Feb 1986
The IOU shows and projects shown at this initial launch of the timeline, will be added to, to include as much information as possible to create IOU’s complete archive. If you have information or stories connected to any of the past production, please let us know, we would like to hear from you! We would like to eventually include anecdotes and memories of audience members on the timeline.
A rusting steel tower revolves. Courtly love succumbs to horse philosophy, a haunted suit and finding Enlightenment the hard way.
Jan/Feb 1986
An outdoor site specific show – commissioned by the Brighton Festival for Brighton Beach. A real travelling theatre with a musical slipway – Noah loses the plot.
May 1986
Murder most foul.
An unorthodox houseboat, with tales of loss and redemption from a lakeside tower.
September 1986
An outdoor site specific show – commissioned by the Brighton Festival for Brighton Beach. A real travelling theatre with a musical slipway – Noah loses the plot.
June/July 1986