A weekend of family events at the Sound Wave Collider

A Saturday rave and Sunday sound walks led by sound artist Jason Singh

On Saturday 5 August – through rain and sun – families came to Yorkshire Sculpture Park to dance at the Sound Wave Collider

Sound artist and DJ Jason Singh played a 4 hour set through the sculpture’s 5 structures giving audiences a 360 degree immersive soundscape

The set’s ambient and global sounds are inspired by the natural world and based on the unique composition he created for the Sound Wave Collider residency at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.

Sunday 6 August saw over 70 people join IOU and Jason for 2 sound walks through the park – slowing down to tune into the sounds of the natural landscape



Sound Wave Collider is a multi-sensory, immersive, site-specific sound installation devised by our Artistic Director, David Wheeler, with a unique commissioned soundscape for Yorkshire Sculpture Park by sound artist Jason Singh.

This new outdoor sculptural sound installation captures the hidden sounds of plants, organisms and structures of the surrounding landscape, creating a resonating sound world, unique to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.

The five gleaming steel structures create a vibrating three-dimensional environment for audiences to explore and move among, as they listen to the collision of interconnecting sounds.

Touch, listen, feel, and contemplate the surroundings in this unique and moving experience.


IOU Sound Wave Collider at YSP ends 3 September 2023

Plan your visit to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park