An outdoor site-specific show, commissioned for Copenhagen 96 - Europe's City of Culture Celebrations.
The show was presented within the Old City’s ramparts and moat, with the concept of ‘Earth’ as its central theme.
IOU built a wooden fort overhanging the moat with the audience seated on the steep bank on the other side of the water. The show began with the explorer setting sail in his giant wooden fish. Convoluted, Grimm-like tales took place between him setting sail to the East, circumnavigating the planet and returning from the West. In his absence, murderous courtiers took advantage, an operatic, black-haired Rapunzel sang from her tower, her principal boy slew the egg-stealing wolf and a whispering Angel Gabriel flew low over the audience, in the form of a winged mini TV.

Created and performed by: Tim Moss, Andy Plant, Chris Squire, Olwyn May, Jane Revitt – Steve Gumbley, David Humpage, Clive Bell, and David Wheeler.