Armelle Skatulski

Visual Artist

Culture:Dale Artist Showcase
Virtual Eyes

Armelle Skatulski
Virtual Eyes

Video Recordings of Virtual Reality Sessions Displayed on Monitors

Virtual Eyes is a visual meditation on the anatomy of Virtual Reality bodies, attention computing, and the virtual gaze. The project stems from an interest in how ‘player eye data’ like eye movements or fixations can be collected and mined during VR interactions in so-called attention computing studies. Virtual Eyes uses various interactive heat maps designed for VR and consists of a series of video recordings made using a VR engine to explore the virtual gaze and the virtual camera for the (anti)cinematic possibilities that they offer in order to probe a tension between attention and inattention, valuable and valueless ‘data.’

Armelle Skatulski is an artist and researcher who completed a practice-based PhD at the Royal College of Art. The artwork Virtual Eyes, was produced over a period of 3 months at the  IOU Creation Centre, and is situated at the convergence of VR, art installation and performance.